jQuery Mobile: display listviews in a grid

Recently we had the requirement in our mobile web app which is using jQuery mobile to use a two-column grid view. Inside the columns a listview should display some data (data-role=listview). Out of the box that doesn’t look good with jQuery Mobile 1.2 as margins and paddings of the containers outside the listviews are messed up.

2 Listviews - falsches Margins und Paddings

But its surpringly easy to alter the paddings and margins so that it looks as expcted when displaying two listviews next to each other:

		<div data-role="content" style="padding: 0;">

			<div class="ui-grid-a" style="padding: 15px;" >
				<div class="ui-block-a">
					<ul data-role="listview" data-theme="e">
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Eins</a></li>
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Zwei</a></li>
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Drei</a></li>

				<div class="ui-block-b">
					<ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true">
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Eins</a></li>
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Zwei</a></li>
						<li data-role="fieldcontain"><a>Drei</a></li>

All you need to do is to set the padding of the content div to 0 and add the now missing padding to the first grid container (“ui-block-a”.

2 Listviews - korrekte Margins und Paddings

And done.

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