Category Archives: angular

JSF-updates-angular – How to use angularJS directives to replace JSF components

Writing JSF components is hard and complicated. No one in their right mind writes them. Except when you are a framework developer.

My team is struggling for some time now with Primefaces and its (natural) limitations where one cannot simply change the HTML output to the designers need. So, I spent some days this fall, to try to replace PrimeFaces components with an angular solution, so that PrimeFaces can be completely removed from the application and all components like dialogs or growls are replaced with angular directives.

I didn’t want to use AngularFaces as its trying to put too much magic into the application (for my personal taste). Its very interesting on paper, but when you use it, it seems that every single developer needs to understand exactly both lifecycles of JSF and angularJS and how both frameworks are working. This seems to be a challenge for every decent sized team.

Luckily, the XML parser of JSF leaves HTML tags it does not know of (aka: angularJS directives) alone and just outputs them in the rendered HTML. In a way, that works like the passthrough attributes in JSF 2.2.

As I wanted to use angularJS only as a “widget factory” in a JSF application, I had to solve only a short list of problems:

  • adding the ng-app attribute to the h:body tag is not possible when not using JSF 2.2, Solution: manual bootstrapping like described in angularjs documentation or wrapping your JSF template with a div and the ng-app attribute.
  • inform angularJS about DOM changes after a JSF AJAX request
  • implement a solution so that directives can make JSF AJAX requests, which is not possible out of the box as they can’t have a JSF ID in JSF versions < 2.2

Besides the first, the last two problems were the challenge.

Inform angularJS about DOM changes after a JSF AJAX request

When you load angularJS on page load in a JSF page, its working as expected: its doing its thing and enhances the DOM according to the registered directives. If you don’t use any AJAX requests at all, you are basically done.

The challenge with AJAX requests is, that angularJS needs to be informed about those changes, as they happen outside of an angularJS digest but can contain new DOM nodes with angularJS directives or are destroying/changing existing directives. AngularFaces solved it in a brute-force-like-way: the angularJS app will be completely destroyed and recreated after every JSF AJAX request. But as I only wanted to use directives, that seemed a little harsh for me.

So, after a little experimenting I’m presenting you:

JSF-Updates-Angular (or short: JUA).

Its a (very small) library to update angularJS after every JSF AJAX request:

  • adds 2 event listeners to the JSF JS library for the ajaxComplete and ajaxSuccess events
  • when ajaxComplete event happens, the DOM nodes that are updated by JSF are still unchanged. JUA will iterate through them, searching for nodes with a scope or isolate scope and call the $destroy method on those scopes. Destroying of scopes is done by angularJS itself.
  • when ajaxSuccess event happens, the DOM nodes that are updated by JSF are successfully updated and this library will compile them via angularJS $compile service.

The result is that even DOM nodes which are updated via JSF AJAX requests are enhanced by angularJS directives.

The current state of JUA is not production ready. It was only tested on a few developer machines in a Mojarra JSF 2.1.7 environment (JBoss 7.1.1.). But as I don’t see any JSF dependencies, it should work with any JSF version, provided the JSF AJAX event listener callback interface was not changed.

Trigger JSF AJAX requests inside of directives

When not using JSF 2.2 angularJS directives (aka HTML tags) can’t have JSF IDs and therefore can’t be the source of an JSF AJAX request. But even with JSF 2.2 or when you use a JSF component as a source, you have to build the requests yourself, which is … not so easy.

I made a short-cut here and am using the great OmniFaces library by balusC. With OmniFaces you have a o:commandScript JSF component which registers a global Javascript function to trigger a JSF request. The request can even send a payload with it (PrimeFaces has a similar component). When a angularJS directive needs to send AJAX requests to a managed bean, I’m just using a commandScript call, instead of inventing the wheel again. Works quite nice.

<tabview on-tab-change="makeTabActive">
	<h:panelGroup id="tabs">
		<tab id="detailTab" title="#{msgs.auftrag}" active="#{bean.detailTabActive">
			<h:form id="form">							 
				<o:commandScript name="makeTabActive"
				                 action="#{bean.onTabChangeMethod()}" />
				<h:outputText value="Detail Tab Content" />

(tabView and tab are angularJS element directives)


Use OmniFaces. Really, this library is great!

Re-implement your application in angularJS instead of JSF.

Execute javascript after AJAX request is complete

As pure JSF doesn’t have an easy way (is ANYTHING easy in JSF?) to execute Javascript after a JSF AJAX request, you can use OmniFaces Ajax.oncomplete() for this. Or (if you want) use the onComplete/onCompleteEvent function of JUA which guarentees that your callback listener is called AFTER angularJS was updated:

<h:commandLink value="Do Ajax stuff" action="#{bean.method()">
    <f:ajax update="@form" execute="@this" 
            onevent="jua.onCompleteEvent(" />

Register global function in your directives to call them outside of angularJS digest

My dialog directive – which will be replacing the primefaces dialog component – registers a global javascript function for every dialog name, so that it just can be used like the primefaces dialog. Call anywhere (even in click handlers of JSF components) to show the dialog and dialog.hide() to close it. For developers who don’t know anything about the implementation details, the new dialog behaves just like the PrimeFaces dialog.

$window[scope.dialog] = {
	show: function () {
		$window.jua.ensureExecutionAfterAjaxRequest(function () {
			$scope.apply(function () {
				addOverlay(); = true;
	hide: function () {

(this code is run inside an angularJS directive)

Make use of OmniFaces library components

Use o:messages of OmniFaces to output JSF messages to mimic the PrimeFaces growl component. With o:messages you can control the HTML output of messages and can give an angularJS directive all needed parameters to mimic a growl message.

<messages sticky="true"
	<h:panelGroup id="messages">
		<o:messages var="message" showSummary="true" showDetail="true">
			<message summary="#{message.summary}" detail="#{message.detail}"

(messages and message are angularJS element directives)

Datatable with fully dynamic columns in angularJS

First: there is a plunkr example for the following code examples.

While doing some testing for a possible new project which we want to do in angularJS I discovered that its quite hard to implement a datatable which should have fully dynamic columns which can be reordered and toggled to display or not.

Many datatable implementations have either hard-coded columns which you can’t change at all or you can’t change the order of the columns in which they should be rendered. ngTable does it like that for instance.

So, I spent a rainy sunday afternoon to implement my own version and after much poking around and some frustrating moments, I finally got it.

The first hurdle I had to take was, that angularJS can’t handle directives that have a <tr> or <td> element as the root element of the directive. There is an issue for this where its explained that these elements need to be handled special, which jQuery does, but jqLite in angularJS does not. There is a pull request for this too, but its not accepted yet.

After discovering that, I wrote a little helper function to create the elements like this:

function createTDElement() {
	var table = angular.element('<table><tr><td></td></tr></table>');
	return table.find('td');

The next problem I had was to implement the full dynamic columns which should be customizable from an angular controller. I didn’t want just define a hard-coded table with some columns in a html file and manipulate the DOM elements after they were created by angularJS. I wanted to do it the angular way.

I decided that every column needs to have its own directive where the output inside the cells is defined. These directives are not known to the wrapper directive, but are part of the customization inside the controller, so the wrapper is fully generalized and can be used with any type and any number of columns. The wrapper directive adds additional elements into the DOM in the $compile phase of angularJS which have the correct column directives set to them dynamically.

The html in the view looks like this:

<table border="1">
    <tr ng-repeat="item in items" item="item" columns="columns">

Inside the controller you have something like this:

function myController($scope) {
   $scope.items = [//someitems];

  $scope.columns = [{
    id: "column2",
    title: "Manufacturer",
    directive: "secondcolumn",
    visible: true
  }, {
    id: "column1",
    title: "ID",
    directive: "firstcolumn",
    visible: true
  }, {
    id: "column3",
    title: "Country",
    directive: "thirdcolumn",
    visible: false
  }, ];

So in this case the table should render with 2 columns: column2 first, then column1 and column3 should not be visible. The property “columnDirective” is used to find out the directive that renders this columns html output.

$scope.items is the data object, that you want to display in the table.

The important parts of the column directive, which does all the magic, look like this:

function createTDElement(directive) {
	var table = angular.element('<table><tr><td ' + directive + '></td></tr></table>');
	return table.find('td');
app.directive('item', function($compile) {
  function createTDElement(directive) {
    var table = angular.element('<table><tr><td ' + directive + '></td></tr></table>');
    return table.find('td');

  function render(element, scope) {
    var column, html, i;
    for (i = 0; i < scope.columns.length; i++) {
      column = scope.columns[i];
      if (column.visible) {
        html = $compile(createTDElement(column.directive))(scope);


  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {
      item: "=",
      columns: "="
    controller: function($scope, $element) {
      $scope.$watch(function() {
        return $scope.columns;
      }, function(newvalue, oldvalue) {
        if (newvalue !== oldvalue) {
          render($element, $scope);
      }, true);
    compile: function() {
      return function(scope, element) {
        render(element, scope);



(The implementations for the columns are missing here).

And thats it.

I created a plunkr which has an working example for this so you can play around with it.

Tell me if you know some way to implement this easier.

How to handle angularJS promises in jasmine unit tests

When developing unit tests in an angularJS app, you eventually stumble about a problem that can be quite frustrating to handle it in a clean und concisive way: promises.

Lets have a look at an example method in a controller:

$scope.method = function() {
    someService.loadData().then(function(data) {
       $ = data;

This method is calling loadData() on an angularJS service which is returning a promise, which could be resolved only after a $http call is finished.

How to handle that in a unit test?

Clearly, you should mock someService, thats easy. But what to do with the promise? In my first couple of tests, I tried to reimplement promises somewhat and ended with ugly constructs like this:

someServiceMock = {
    loadData: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function() {
        then: jasmine.createSpy()

This way I had to call the resolve or reject functions in my test manually, like so:

it('should be a lot easier', function() {

   resolveFunction = someServiceMock.loadData().then.mostRecentCall.args[0];


That worked, but its ugly as hell.

So, after some studying with google I just refactored my tests with a much simpler solution, which uses the original $q service to resolve promises and calls the appropriate function arguments automatically.

Defining the mock service changes a bit and needs to be in an inject function as $q service is needed:

beforeEach(function() {
    inject(function(_someService_, _$q_, _$rootScope) {
        var deferred = _$q_.defer();
        someService = _someService;
        rootScope = _$rootScope_;
        spyOn(someService, 'loadData').andReturn(deferred.promise);

it('is now a lot easier', function() {

The loadData() spy is now always returning a resolved promise.

Of course, you can (and maybe should be) resolve the promise in the test itself if the data is different when you have more than one test.

The catch is though, that you need to call rootScope.$apply() method manually in your test as promises only get resolved during a angular $digest phase. After this method is finished, all promises are really resolved and you can test for the expected outcome.

Mocking $window in an angularJS test

When trying to mock the angularJS internal $window factory, I recently stumbled about an error message when running the test:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'userAgent' of undefined
	    at $SnifferProvider.$get (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:8327:72)
	    at Object.invoke (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2864:28)
	    at C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2702:37
	    at getService (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2824:39)
	    at Object.invoke (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2842:13)
	    at C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2702:37
	    at getService (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2824:39)
	    at Object.invoke (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2842:13)
	    at C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2702:37
	    at getService (C:/projects/hwa-mobile/src/main/external-libs/angular.js:2824:39)

The test looked something like this:

describe('myService', function () {
	beforeEach(function () {
		module("myModule",function ($provide) {
			$provide.factory('$window', function () {
				return jasmine.createSpy('$windowmock');

	it('should do something', function () {

Apparently angularJS itself tries to read the userAgent even when running inside a mocked environment.

The solution was quite easy:

describe('myService', function () {
	beforeEach(function () {
		module("myModule",function ($provide) {
			$provide.factory('$window', function () {
				var windowmock = jasmine.createSpy('$window);
				windowmock.navigator = window.navigator;
				return windowmock;

	it('should do something', function () {

The navigator property of the jasmine mock object will be the original navigator property of the original window object. Smells a bit, but works.

How to structure large angularJS applications

I did it all wrong in my first angularJS application. Oh I did it really wrong!

The structure of my first angular project looked something like this:

Root folder

So, all controllers were going to “controllers” folder, services into “services” folder and partials lived directly next to full html files. When we started to have more than 10 directives and 5 services the problems with this approach were really backfiring:

  • it was not easily visible what files were depending on what other files
  • refactorings were thus quite hard
  • reusing features in other code/applications was hard as the structure didn’t allow to group files of a single feature together
  • it was hard for new developers to understand the flow of the application
  • it was hard to extend the application so that it not only consisted of one (single page) application but of two applications that shared some features

Since then I tried a few different approaches and while experimenting with ngStart as a skeleton for new angular projects I’m now settled with an approach I want to use in all my next projects.

What I came up with, is an approach that groups features into angularJS modules. The main advantages is that the code structure is based on features of the application and every feature is defining its own angularJS module. The angular root module then is the glue and binds all modules together.

The structure of ngStart looks like this:

Root folder

The main idea is that every folder under “modules” is by definition an angular module. The module is always declared in a javascript file that is named like the folder (“about” -> about.js) and is the name of the module too.

Each angular module can use the full list of angular features. It can have its own angular.config() phase function, can declare its own routes and can have its own list of dependencies.


To refactor a certain feature you now know exactly where to begin and what files are directly dependent on each other when they implement a single feature. You can move modules around and even move them out of the your first single-page app, make another app and declare a dependency on the module to reuse your code.

In a small and trivial example the advantages of this approach are not easily visible, but as soon as a team of developers works together on an application it will grow very fast.

In enterprise applications there is usually a software architect who defines a structure which the team has to follow. Programming languages in the backend also have features to structure code in packages or modules and import it. Javascript doesn’t. And often times the software architect doesn’t care about javascript or the frontend at all. And frontend developers tend to not care about it neither as tools were missing in the past and there wasn’t really a need for it when writing jquery scripts.

But as frontend engineers or frontend developers of today, you should care! AngularJS is great. But angularJS applications will face the same problems as every other application that begins to grow. And your structure should make it easy to grow and adapt. You should care from the beginning!

unit-testing angularJS controllers in a non-trivial environment

I just released a new patch version of my angularJS sekeleton project ngStart. It now contains a sample unit test for a controller.

There are many examples out there how to unit test an angularJS controller. Basically you have to create a new controller scope yourself and tell angularJS to create a new scope instance for a given controller. This looks usually like this (as a jasmine test):

describe("the controller", function () {
	var contactController, scope;
	beforeEach(function () {
		inject(function ($rootScope, $controller) {
			scope = $rootScope.$new();
			contactController = $controller("contactController", {$scope: scope});

	it("should be something", function () {

Note: this code assumes that the controller was registered in the production code via a call to angular.controller like this: angular.controller(“contactController”, function($scope){…}

The catches in my ngStart project are, that

  • its a requireJS environment and
  • that the controller is not registered by name as its usually done in simple projects, but the controller is defined inside a route definition without an explicit name. The controller is only valid for the given route. As far as I know, you can’t access it via a name anywhere outside.

The route definition looks like this:

define(['angular', 'ContactController'], function (angular, ContactController) {

	var contact = angular.module("contact", []);

	contact.config(["$routeProvider", function($routeProvider) {
		$routeProvider.when('/contact/', {
			templateUrl: 'contact.html',
			controller: ContactController

	return contact;


How do you test the controller now in a unit test if you can’t access it via name?


As we can load the controller definition with requireJS (aka its function representation) you can give the $controller function this controller function directly. You don’t have to provide a string which angularJS uses to look for a registered function like its done with a call to angular.controller(“name”, controllerFunction).

The rest is the standard behaviour like above:

define(["contact/ContactController"], function(ContactController) {
	describe("the controller", function () {
		var contactController, scope;

		beforeEach(function () {
			inject(function ($rootScope, $controller) {
				scope = $rootScope.$new();
				contactController = $controller(ContactController, {$scope: scope});

		it("should be something", function () {